
Participating in acts of mercy for the common good of the city

We have community partnerships with people throughout Fullerton. Read more below.

Foster the City

A coalition of churches providing loving homes for children in foster care.

Every year, thousands of children are removed from their biological families because of abuse or neglect. These children deserve a loving home in their community where they can experience stability, love, and hope for their future. The church is uniquely positioned and called to answer this need.

Foster the City provides training and ongoing support to an Advocate within the Partner Church, equipping them to care for Foster Families and Support Friends.

There are opportunities for you to support our current foster families as a Support Friend.

Please contact Betsy if you would like more information about being a Foster Parent or a Support Friend.

Betsy Still

Foster the City Advocate


OC United

OC United desires to see people of faith and goodwill unite to ensure that everyone in our community is safe, connected, & whole. We partner through volunteer support to aid OC United in their efforts to impact homelessness, foster support, education inequity, and community stewardship.



Impacting education inequity.