God @ Work | Integrating Work with Mission


Acts 18 // What is our understanding of work? Within our work there is a unique and special opportunity only open to the sons and daughters of God.

  1. Our primary identity and calling is to be in relationship with God. What are some ways that you glorify God and what are some ways you enjoy God?

  2. Within our work there is a unique opportunity only open to sons and daughters of God (to those who believed in Him: John 1). What opportunities do you have with whom?

  3. Our job, ministry, work and life are integrated. How has your job positioned you to meet people who do not yet know Jesus? How can you image God?

  4. Financial provision that comes from our jobs propel the mission. Priscilla and Aquila were able to be generous and hospitable, hosting people and the church gathering. Where is God calling you to be generous? Where have you been a recipient of generosity?

  5. What ministry or gifts has God given you?