Philippians | Worth Imitating

Shawn Stewart / Philippians 2:19-30

Sermon Questions

This past Sunday’s message was a close look at some of Paul’s two closest comrades in ministry. Timothy & Epaphroditus. Timothy is known for his youth, his unwavering commitment (see acts 16), his humble yet stirring example of Christ-likeness and his shaping of the early church under Paul’s leadership. Epaphroditus has less written about him in scripture but in Paul’s own words he is worthy of honor for his willingness to die for the work God has called him to.

  1. What similarities do you see in Jesus that have rubbed off on Saul of Tarsus… I mean the apostle Paul? Follow-up question. What similarities do you see in Paul that can be found in Timothy and Epaphroditus?

  2. Shawn mentioned this weekend that there are lots of things attempting to lead us.” Whether it be individuals, or trends such as consumerism & individualism, political groups, even certain ideas of philosophical nature all have the ability to lead us somewhere. What are some of the voices, opinions or ideas that you see competing with the message and mission of Christ in your personal life?

  3. Now after examining what we can gather from both 1) The examples we see in scripture through Paul, Timmy, and Epaph’s relationship and character and 2) what competing opinions and ideas are found in our cultural context, take some time to self assess. In your groups individually answer this question: “who you are following and where they are they taking you?” Is the person, group or idea you are following causing you to grow in your Christ-likeness and faith. Are you growing humility and love for Jesus’ church and mission? Is their increasing unity in your relationships or division? These are all helpful metrics to evaluate your spiritual progress.

  4. With the time remaining discuss as a group who we can invite or go hang out with on Thursday night to share our lives and the love of Jesus with?